How to install presets


Install on Desktop ✨


  1. Open Lightroom CC

  2. Go to file and select “Import Profiles and Presets”

  3. Select the unopened zip file

  4. Enjoy! Find your new presets in your preset selection area of Lightroom CC

Voilà! ❤️

Install on mobile 🌟

Setting up your mobile presets is easy, but takes a few extra steps…

Lightroom presets are first designed for desktop. You can do nearly all of these steps on your phone. Follow this guide and you will be just fine. 

Step 1: Get a laptop / desktop handy

I would highly recommend a laptop handy to save you tons of time and hassle.

  1. Preset files are sent in ZIP format ( this allows you to keep track of multiple links!)

  2. If you’re on a computer, unZIP the downloaded folder

  3. If you are on an iPhone, airdrop all your DNG presets to your camera roll

  4. If you are on an Android, transfer your DNG files to your phone and save to your camera roll

  5. If you’re on mobile, you may need to download an app to unZIP files

Step 2: Download a ZIP app made to unzip files

Unzip the folder, and transfer your DNG files to dropbox! You can use any file app but i recommend dropbox for convenience. You can get a dropbox account for free! 

Step 3: Inside Lightroom App

  1. Click on the "box with checkmark" icon in the top right corner of dropbox mobile

  2. Select all your DNG presets

  3. Save them all as Images

  4. To achieve this, tap on "Export"

  5. Save Image on iPhone.

  6. To note: it’s normal if they show up as black boxes

  7. The image and preset are there once you open Lightroom! 

Additional note: If you bought the entire collection, I recommend going one preset pack at a time so you don't get confused later on. 

Step 4: Ready to use on Lightroom

Once you've saved all of your DNG presets to your camera roll, open Lightroom. 

Step 5: Create a new album

  1. Go to ’Album’ in Lightroom

  2. Tap the + sign

  3. You’ve created a new album!

  4. Name this album how your preset collection is titled!

    For example " Spark Of Edge | Clean Edits Only". 

Step 6: Upload

  1. Open the album

  2. Upload all of your DNG presets

  3. Success! They now show up in your camera roll 

Step 7: Celebrate

Yay! All your presets are ready-to-use in Lightroom Mobile.

  1. Go through each image

  2. Click on the "..." in the top right corner

  3. Select "Create Preset"

  4. Name them!

  5. Tip: I label my presets by number

    For example, if you bought the Clean Edits pack, you would name them : Clean Edit 1, Clean Edit 2, and so on until the end.

You're done!


  • Head to your Lightroom camera roll

  • Pick an image

  • Edit your way!

  • Your presets will be found in the preset section.

  • Just select the dropdown menu and select which preset pack you want.

  • Mobile-only presets can take 10 minutes to one hour to set up, depending on which pack you get, if you have access to a laptop or not

  • If you want to save a ton of money avoiding buying a Lightroom subscription, and if you edit on your iPhone primarily, this is a great way to enjoy presets with no reoccurring cost! Enjoy ❤️